Well the “holiday season” was a blur. It was here then it was gone. I don’t feel like I’ve had all the time I need to sit around, eat sweets and read books. But my body is telling me I have. Aches and pains that I never have and poor sleep all point to a […]
Author Archive | Lee

10 days to go !!
Well who can believe it only 10 days to go as I’m writing this. I hope you’re all not too stressed and are managing to enjoy some of the lights and magic of the season.So let’s keep THIS WEEKS MENU IDEAS extra simpleBaked potatoes with green salad and carrot slawPolpette in a tomato sauce with […]

Thank goodness for Christmas
It’s dark, wet and cold. Thank goodness for Christmas to give me something to look forward to. The flower borders are far too wet to do anything too now so those that have been mulched are ready for spring and those that haven’t will have to wait until the new year and the weather turns […]

We’ve had a little hit of winter with a dusting of snow this morning. It makes everything look clean and tidy. Bright and white. The forecast is for a thaw to so we will be back to mud but it’s nice for a day. It’s even nicer right now because I’m sitting writing this with […]

Another busy week on the farm
Another busy week on the farm. The whole team has been at home and helping to prepare for our reopening of the shop on the 1st of December. We’re like elves running around making measuring sticks for cut trees and doing general maintenance and tidying. Rush, rush, rush. The garden team are still busy little […]

what’s keeping me going? Why Christmas of course!
The weather has been absolutely foul, what’s keeping me going? Why Christmas of course! It’s tidy the house mode. When it’s too wet to be outside and to be honest some of the beds are too wet to go onto and the mud would be just too depressing I go indoors and start “the big […]

Super tasty and hearty one pot dinners every night for us.
With the weather getting colder but we’re still very busy with everything we need to get done for the Christmas season, it’s super tasty and hearty one pot dinners every night for us. If you find it hard to think up new, healthy, tasty meals just don’t. Stick to the things you like to cook […]

I just can’t help it, I’m getting Christmassy…
I just can’t help it, I’m getting Christmassy. The clocks go back at the end of the week and that, for me, marks a turn in the year. I indulge in getting wintery, warm and cosy. When you work mostly outside you have to find ways of enjoying the winter, darker months. We get very […]

We are battening down the hatches and crossing our fingers…
We are battening down the hatches and crossing our fingers that the forecasted storm isn’t as bad as predicted and we don’t get too much damage. I’m really hoping that the Brussels sprouts don’t get blown over and there isn’t too much damage and flooding. The forecast is for very high winds and very heavy […]

..we are still full steam ahead harvesting
There’s a nip in the air and we’ve had a slight frost this week but we are still full steam ahead harvesting.Joes been digging potatoes in the cold wind and picking beans in the warm tunnels, getting all the seasons in one busy day.It’s the typical harvest season, lots of produce to store for the […]