Well the “holiday season” was a blur. It was here then it was gone. I don’t feel like I’ve had all the time I need to sit around, eat sweets and read books. But my body is telling me I have. Aches and pains that I never have and poor sleep all point to a diet and routine that is not good for me. I’ve eaten processed foods, sweets and lots of treats a long side doing very little. I’m actually very happy to be cutting all those “treats” out of my diet and moving around again.
We’re sticking to a quite strict meat, veg and fruit diet to get ourselves back on track. We’d love it if you felt you could join us.
It’s amazing how quickly my mood, sleep and general wellness improves. I ask myself why I indulge? I have a sweet tooth and it’s very hard to say know when it’s so easy to access, like at Christmas. But I’ve pulled myself together and I’m making meal plans and enjoying the process.
There’s no sowing or planting to do, a little bit of harvesting and definitely no watering. The lawns are a mess but most of the beds, either empty veg or flower borders, are mulches and looking quite tidy. Joe has done a lot of that garden work so that we are ready to hit the ground running when spring comes. Lee is mending tunnels and doing some running repairs, as well as his usual work, after the storms but we did loose one of the tunnels which is always rather depressing.
Menu ideas
Leek and potato soup. I’m using some of my frozen turkey stock to make this extra tasty and healthy.
All the leftover cheese ends to make a big Spanish omelette. I have frozen any cheese that is big enough to be used as a wedge later in the year.
Roasted meat with roasted veg. One pan so less washing up.
Bacon and greens pan fry. It’s a great usey up in this house. Lots of grated veg and shredded greens pan fried with diced up bit of bacon, leftover pork or cooked meats.
Stewed fruit compote. Again this is a mix up of what’s leftover and fruit from the box. You could make fruit salad but we prefer it warm or hot. You could have cream or yogurt with it as a pudding or breakfast
If I really can’t think of what to make for dinner or a quick meal during the day my go to is always a soup, chunky and hearty, or a risotto.
Have a great week getting back into a routine. Id love to hear your hints and tips. Pics too please
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