We’ve had a little hit of winter with a dusting of snow this morning. It makes everything look clean and tidy. Bright and white. The forecast is for a thaw to so we will be back to mud but it’s nice for a day. It’s even nicer right now because I’m sitting writing this with […]
Tag Archives | Beths Blog
….yes, we are obsessed with the weather here. It’s difficult not to be.
What a fantastic change in the weather. Yes, we are obsessed with the weather here. It’s difficult not to be. We work in it and try to work with it. We have all remarked on how lovely it has been not to have to have a wind and rain proof coat on this week. We’ve […]
Come on sunshine we are ready for you…..
This week I can’t say I’m skipping along with enthusiasm and excitement. The weather forecast for the rest of March and the beginning of April is rubbish. Cold, wet and dull. Not good for growing or lambs and calves. There’s no frost forecast but it seems to be raining everyday. The whole team here work […]
March seems to have “come in like a lion” so fingers crossed it “goes out like a lamb”
It has been so cold and we’ve had a little snow but it has been really beautiful. The blue skies have been fantastic but the wind so, so cold. March seems to have “come in like a lion” so fingers crossed it “goes out like a lamb” We’re so looking forward to some warmer weather, […]
I think it’s OK to mention Christmas !!
I think it’s OK to mention Christmas at this point. A little early but this isn’t Christmas Farm for nothing. With this in mind I’m starting to do a little prep to put in the freezer to make my life run smoothly over the festive season. The diced venison in the box this week is […]
Happy cooking and eating……
I’m still trying to pin down an autumn routine. Meal times do change with the seasons and it takes a little time to nail down a routine. I get way more done but also feel like I’m in control of everyday tasks if I’ve got a plan. Sometimes it is just a freewheel but that’s […]