There is a definite change in the light this week. It’s dark by 9pm and the misty mornings have a feel of autumn about them.
The temperature for September so far has been fabulous but the air does smell and feel like the year is turning. I’m really enjoying this weather, hot a bright during the day with cooler evenings to sit out in and eat supper but cool mornings to start work.
Everything in the gardens is still on “full steam ahead” but it is only a matter of time with the change of light that the summer crops start to slow down and they are replace with autumn and winter goodies. This time of year is my comfort zone when it comes to cooking. So much less work with one pot meals and comfort food puds. It’s easy and satisfying.
But for this week here’s some menu ideas Roast beef with Yorkshire puddings and roasted carrots. Cold thin sliced pink roast beef with tomato and cucumber salad with flat breads or potato salad Courgette fritters. The BBC has a good recipe. With poached eggs. Great supper or lunch. Savoury mince bake. It’s a ratatouille with beef mince in layers then topped with bread crumbs and grated cheese. Kale and lemon risotto.
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