We are at the end of October and I can’t quite believe it. We are having some amazing weather and the grass is still growing, in fact in some spots it’s growing better than it has all summer, because of the summers drought, and now it has everything it needs, warmth and rain.
The last week in October is my birthday week and I’m a big believer in celebrating the gift of another year and the opportunity of a new year and another go. This is much the same as I feel about New Year. I get to have another go and make some improvements or just have another go at it.
I was lucky to be able to celebrate it with the Christmas Farm team and I had one of the boys home too. We eat cake and drank coffee. I delivered the Wednesday delivery round too and it was the best autumnal day. Bright, bright sunshine and beautiful gold, red and orange colours. I had such a good day.
I hope you’re enjoying the change in season and the warmer than expected weather.
Next week we will be full steam ahead in preparation for our Christmas shopping event on the 11th, 12th and 13th of November Here are some Menu ideas for the week. Monster mash for hallowe’en with slow cooked lamb The blue potatoes in this weeks box are just perfect for some scary monster mash. Pair this with a slow cooked joint of lamb with a bbq sauce and you’ve got a perfect warming feast. Left over lamb with bubble and squeak Mince and dumplings, keeping the comfort, filling foods theme. Squash and lentil stew Red cabbage slaw. Great for sandwiches, salads, baked potatoes quiche and lots more. Tomato tarte tatin – Serve it with slaw and chilli sauce
Take care
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