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I’ve been craving a curry…

I’ve been craving a curry so I’m making a one with the chops in this weeks box. You can take the meat off the bone but I don’t. I rub the chops with cumin, ginger,  chilli and garam masala and a little olive oil. Leave them in the fridge for a few hours then grill them. I make a pan of saag aloo or vegetable curry to go with them and some flat breads if I’ve got time too.

It’s chard season too and it’s one of my very favourite summer veg. It’s so versatile and very good for you packed with nutrients and so fresh.So menu ideas for this weekSpicy lamb chops with veg curryHomemade pasta and green sauce.Baby beet tarte tatin or just grated in a salad if you don’t feel like cooking themSaag aloo with spicy mince.Sweet and sour sausagesQuiche and saladGreen pasta sauce. Using the chard and lots of onions and garlic. You can make your own pasta too if you’re feeling like it. Or get to the kids too, it’s basically play dough.

100g of plain flour to 1 egg. Roll it out thinner than you think and slice it up into thin ribbons, it takes very little time to cook in boiling salted water.

The chard is great in a quiche or tart and good for saag aloo if you haven’t got spinach but I’m using the beet tops for my saag aloo.There’s an amazing recipe for sweet and sour sausages which is a Guardian recipe and I’ve shared it on the face book page. Thank you to Gary and Michelle who made it with our sausages and sent in their picture and a link to  the recipe.Enjoy your weekBeth

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