We’ve had some smashing weather and I’ve been in my element with the extra light I’ve had time to start pruning the roses in the rose border. I’ve even given the lawns a very gentle cut on a high setting. I can’t believe it. I missed the last cut in 2022 because the ground was so wet but we’ve had a dry winter and I was able to give the lawns a quick tidy up. I’ve still got the edging to do and with close inspection of the borders an awful lot of weeding to do too but I really feel I’ve made a good start.
…..So when I looked at the weather forecast and saw just how bad it is forecast to be my heart sank. We are forecast to get 70 mile an hour winds over Thursday night and Friday. I can’t help but feel trepidation. Lee is always very level headed and announces “we’ll just have to deal with whatever happens”. I’m not made of the same stuff and I have to have some sort of a plan. Last time we had a bad storm the electric was off. Now after many of the early years of being here at Christmas Farm without mains electricity it’s not too difficult to remember to plan and have meals cooked ready, just in case, to heat up. We can reheat meals on the top of the wood burner and we have torches charged, candles and plenty of wood in for heat. Saying all of that, my fingers are still crossed that the storm will blow over and the forecast will change to more moderate wind. Menu ideas for the week. Beef stroganoff. Id thought of this as a great valentines meal, which we might still have but it might be even more cosy if the electricity is off and we eat it by fire light!. If the kids are home it might change into a goulash with rice and buttery flatbreads. Who knows. Curried parsnip soup. A favourite in our house. I make it quite spicy and add coconut milk instead of cream A fresh and tinned tomato risotto. Serve it with the spicy salad leaves. Beef sausage and mash with caramelised onion gravy Blood orange fool. Perfect valentine pud, sweet and a little bit sour with a wonderful pinky colour. If you’re feeding a few mouths make a blood orange trifle. Delicious Enjoy your weekend. I’m hoping to keep busy in the garden. Say “hi” if you do call into the shop. Beth
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