We are at the shortest day, the winter solstice. It’s the darkest time of year here on the farm and the stars have been amazing. I do try to stop for a moment to enjoy them. I don’t look up as often as I should.
In summer I am in awe of the beautiful blue skies, sunsets and the bright colours not just in the gardens but in the fields, wild flowers and bright grasses with my bees dancing about collecting nectar, but in the deepest of winter wrapped up in layers and marching about in heavy boots, I look down.
I’m making a special effort to look up. At the fabulous show of stars but also at the seed heads in the gardens, the hills around us to the west and the lights in peoples gardens and light trees in windows. Sometimes the cloud is right down to the farm gate and it’s like living in the clouds.
After Christmas when the lights are taken down it can look a bit bleak so that’s why I leave my outside lights up for as long as possible. It makes the place more cheery.
We are on the last push to the finish line ( Christmas Eve when the shop shuts at 12 noon!) the whole team has worked so hard and they really deserve their extended time off over the end of December and January. Lee and I will still be here on the farm but there is a lot less to do in the gardens and just normal chores on the farm. Box deliveries will go out as normal though.
Now what to eat for the next few days?
Roast top side for cold cuts, sandwiches and quick meals with baked potatoes
Cottage pie with root veg mash topping.
The eggs, with the whites I’ll make a big pavlova and the yolks will make a big jar of mayonnaise to keep in the fridge to go with leftovers
A big pan of veg soup to keep up going. This is often supper with bread and cold meat and cheese if it’s been a busy day
A big pan of roast veggies is very useful and easy to reheat so I’ll make one of those too.
Keep an eye on the Facebook page for Christmas cooking and treats.
Happy Christmas to you all.
Thank you so much for supporting us all here at Christmas farm, without you there wouldn’t be a Christmas farm and we do appreciate you.
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