Christmas comes but once a year, and we all enjoy the feasting and food that goes along with the celebrations here at Christmas Farm. Here are our top tips for making the most of your festive ingredients. Cooking your turkey After stuffing your organic turkey, weigh it to calculate the cooking time. We like to stuff […]

Christmas Wreath and festive decoration workshop
I had a lovely couple of days here at Christmas Farm running my Christmas wreath and festive decoration making workshops. This was the first year I was able to welcome everyone to my cabin to make their wreaths and other decorations. We started the day with tea, coffee, cake and mince pies. The first task […]
Another busy week
It’s been yet another full week here at Christmas Farm. Our annual Food Standards inspection was successfully completed, and we’ve also put in a new fence to separate off what will be a plantation area (once we’ve planted more trees!). This will be a great wind break but also provide more shelter for the animals too. […]