It’s so easy to get over enthusiastic at this time of year in the garden. I/we really have to hold back and not rush to plant young plants and seedlings out. We have had few hard frosts in the early mornings and that’s deadly to young tender shoots.
We have, however, had meals outside in the evening. Not every night but quite a few. We often finish late at this time of year so a little fire in the garden and eating a hot dinner beside it is a treat and helps to unwind at the end of the day. We are very lucky and get some beautiful sunsets in this part of the world. If you fancy enjoying the same view as we do why not come and camp or stay in our cabin on the farm. If you’d like more details please get in touch. You can also get a cooked dinner delivered to your tent/van or the cabin too.
I always say it but “It’s been a busy old week here on the farm”. There’s more progress on the new road so completion edges ever closer. Grass is growing so lambs and calves are growing and enjoying making their mothers lives difficult by tarring around the fields in gangs.
It’s lovely in the evenings when you can hear their calls and chats as everyone settles down to go to sleep. Compost deliveries are going out, repairs are being made and everyone is working hard to get on top of the lists of jobs. We often help each other and work in teams with bigger jobs like planting out or clearing beds of last years spent crops and moving cattle and sheep around the farm.
Soon we will all settle into our rhythms as the season changes and jobs like harvesting and moving the grazing mobs will be our everyday jobs.
Menu ideas this week
Beef goulash a big one which will feed us for 2 or even 3 days. Over the week.
A shepherds pie with the veg in or mince and dumplings.
Kale or greens and chickpea curry
Apple and orange salad
Carrot and orange salad
Egg salad
I’ll use the lovage in everything. It’s Lee favourite herb and it really enhances the savoury flavour of dishes
Take care
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