This week already seems crazy busy. I don’t understand how this happens at this time of year because with the extra day light I should have plenty of time to get all my jobs done.
I’m trying to squeeze garden weeding, which isn’t technically work, in with veg weeding, harvesting, planting and potting on, turning round the cabin for holiday guests and seeing happy campers in.
I do love pottering about in the borders and seeing all the borders come to life. The thing that does get left is the house work. Well, you can’t do everything!
So I’m keeping it easy on the cooking front.
My easy pizza bread is a great one to dish up as a lunch or as supper with a late movie.
Really simple and you can make it or just the dough and freeze it.
¼ tsp fast-action dried yeast
500g strong white bread flour , plus extra for dusting
2 tsp sea salt
2 tbsp olive oil
500 ml of warm water. Add this slowly so your dough isn’t too sticky.
Mix all the ingredients together, it might be a bit sticky but don’t worry you can add a tiny bit more flour. Put cling film or a damp tea towel over the bowl and leave it over night or for at least 6 hours.
Grease a separate bowl and pip the dough in. Dust with a little extra flour and shape into a round dough. Replace the damp tea towel over the top and leave for an hour in a warm place. Don’t worry to much about these timings, my normal routine is to make the dough in the evening and then leave it over night somewhere cool. Then in the morning or even after coffee time shape the dough and leave it again for an hour or two. Then, on a week floured surface, roll it out into pizza bases.
Place the bases on a floured baking tin, brush with olive oil then add your toppings.
Like sliced tomatoes, sliced courgette, garlic, herbs, sliced cooked sausage, and cheese of your chose. Just oil, garlic and cheese is lovely too. Or herbs and olive oil.
These bases are perfect for using up grated veg and topped with grated cheese. Make up your own favourite. Freeze any left over “pizza” for lunches or picnics.
Menu ideas
BBQ of griddled veg, meat and fresh salad
Don’t for get great dressings and homemade mayonnaise.
Rosti potatoes with poached eggs and feta cheese
My easy pizza
Courgette and caramelised onion tart.
Quick microwave Victoria sponge in a mug with strawberry jam and cream (it jubilee)
Combine 2 eggs, 100 g SR flour, 85g sugar, 85g butter splash of vanilla extract, 1 tbs of milk. Mix well and put into microwaveable mugs. Only half fill the mug. Put cling film on the top and microwave separately for 1 -2 minutes. Until risen and bouncy to the touch. Remove the cling and serve with a dollop of homemade strawberry jam and whipped cream. Or ice cream.
We are in the planning stages of an open day on the farm on the 24th of July. We’ve had various different open days over the years but we haven’t had one for a while now. Please let use know what sort of things you like on a Christmas farm open day. We’d love to hear your ideas.
For those who have a long weekend off work ahead of you I hope you have good weather and for those who are working right through thank you.
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