Well here we are in autumn. It’s all woolly jumpers, thick socks and waterproofs here at Christmas Farm. I can’t say any of us are pleased to wave the fabulous summer goodbye but the changing seasons is one thing you can rely on and as I get older the time passes so much more quickly. […]
Archive | 2022

Its all autumnal….
It’s all autumnal. We’ve had starry, starry nights and cool misty mornings. It’s a real and sudden change on the farm. We’ve been picking apples and pears to stop them from being rattled off the trees with the sudden blustery winds. The trees look a little sad without their fruit and there’s a definite change […]
I think it’s OK to mention Christmas !!
I think it’s OK to mention Christmas at this point. A little early but this isn’t Christmas Farm for nothing. With this in mind I’m starting to do a little prep to put in the freezer to make my life run smoothly over the festive season. The diced venison in the box this week is […]

Happy cooking and eating……
I’m still trying to pin down an autumn routine. Meal times do change with the seasons and it takes a little time to nail down a routine. I get way more done but also feel like I’m in control of everyday tasks if I’ve got a plan. Sometimes it is just a freewheel but that’s […]

Making the most of your Box…..
We are starting to get into our Autumn routine now on the farm. There is still plenty of sowing and planting out to do but plans are in place for winter salads to go into the tunnels and turkeys are scratching around and moving onto beds that have had summer crops in and now need […]

August comes to a close but we can now celebrate Organic September
August comes to a close and I love the change in seasons. The air is cooling and the days are shortening. I’m back to wearing a cardigan in the mornings and evenings while I’m walking the dogs or last minute checks in the garden. Somehow it feels right. The heat of the summer is waning. […]

Enjoying these late august days….
I really hope you’re enjoying these late august days as much as I am. The changing colours in the gardens is just amazing. We’ve had the tiniest bit of rain and every plant has sucked it right up. The borders are looking a bit “over” but I’ve already started on the cut back and they […]
Middle of August already……!
We have hit the middle of August already. The year is racing ahead. Although I must admit I like all times of year. These late summer days are full and the evenings are still good enough to eat outside. I cling onto eating outside as long as I can. Even though I love the autumn […]

We’re looking forward to welcoming you all soon…
With the heatwave on the wane and the last push to get the place ready for our Open Day on Sunday meals have been very late in this household. We’ve eaten mostly salad and grilled or bbq’d veggies or small cuts of meat, sometimes with refried potatoes or flat breads but anything stodgy has been […]

Wow, what a difference the weather makes….
Wow, what a difference the weather makes. It’s explosions of growth everywhere. The veg is fabulous and this is just the start of wonderful flavours and variety that our farm produces. We are very aware that folks are gearing up for the summer holidays so we are keeping the boxes really easy to use. Perfect […]